Using the Emotion Code within FTT
I always use it when I use the FTT Fast Track Technique with magnets to absorb the released energy and its really very easy and helpful to find relevant information about unconscious issues. – Heloisa Stephan
About The Emotion Code
Trapped Emotions or pain, need to be identified individually and released one at a time as a single and separate energy.
The Emotion Code precise method that can be done by anyone following these rules.
- First, we recognize an issue.
- After finding the trapped emotion with muscle testing or he Reikian swaying, and have some information about it, we need to ask if there’s anything else that needs to be discovered before releasing the emotion.
- If the answer should be a yes, we ask more questions to get more details about what happened when the emotion got trapped (age of the person at the time, if the emotion was absorbed, inherited or their own, what the event was, why, etc.)
- If nothing else needs to be discovered we release the emotion by swiping a magnet along the Governing Meridian 3 times, unless it is an inherited emotion. In that case, we swipe the magnet 10 times.
- We always need to check to confirm that the energy has been resolved and released.
- At the end of a session, you can muscle test to check the approximate time the healing process will take.
You can let your body tell you how much Emotion Code work to do in a session.
Most of the time you can identify and release about five to ten trapped emotions in a session. Sometimes though, depending on what you’re releasing, you may feel so exhausted that your body will only allow you to release two or three emotions in a session.
Then we can either muscle test to identify the trapped emotion using the Chart of Emotions or we do it with a holistic practitioner.
The body needs its own time to process released trapped emotions.
This is a healing process that requires time to completely release all the instances or side-effects of that one trapped emotion and its effects on your system. Most of the time, processing is mild and lasts, like any other natural therapy, around 21 days to completely heal.
This releasing makes one feel lighter and less burdened but other times you may feel negative symptoms or feel tired or go through a raw emotional time and need to cry or feel sick.
These or any other unpleasant effects don’t usually last for more than two days and they are usually quite mild.