
Psychic Work ⋆ Complementary Medicine ⋆ Courses & Workshops

Reiki Share

Reiki Share and Reiki Support Group

  • This is primarily an idea to offer all my Reiki students the opportunity and facilities to practise and augment their knowledge to become an accomplished Practitioner in Reiki by offering treatments free of charge, and to meet up with their mates for a mutual catching up, and sharing Reiki and healing experiences.
  • Attending a Reiki Share is a wonderful way of meeting other Reiki students, practitioners, teachers or those interested in finding out about Reiki. The concept of a Reiki share is for everyone attending to both give and receive Reiki healing in a supportive and loving environment.
  • Build your confidence in giving treatments or for those who have little or no experience of using Reiki, the Reiki Share is a good way to build that confidence and augment your knowledge in order to offer this amazing and powerful natural healing technique professionally.
  • Reiki Practitioners can also benefit enormously from attending Reiki Shares as by nature, they are very giving and wish to heal others, sometimes forgetting their own needs. Reiki shares are an opportunity for them to receive healing. Reiki Shares are also a good way to meet other like-minded people and discuss experiences of using, receiving or training in Reiki.
  • Reiki Shares are held twice a month and serve to be a focal point for ongoing contact and support. A typical share can last up to 4 hours or more and there is always time for discussion at the beginning and the end of the healing sessions.
  • Participating in a Reiki share is very beneficial to the individual and to the whole group collectively. It is an amazing experience to be part of a group, meeting together, to heal and be healed. Below some photos from the Reiki Share.

When: We meet every second and last Sunday of the month for Reiki share.

Where: Full Address will be informed then.

What Time: We start sharing healing at 2 pm. Many of us meet up at 1 pm for a mutual lunch.

Who is Welcome: My Reiki students, people in need of treatment by practising students of Reiki levels I and II, and people interested in experiencing Reiki for a possible course. Please note that you might have more than one student practising on you at one time. This benefits you a lot too as each students has different healing energies, skills, and perceptions.

Requirements for clients: Confirmation of attendance on the Reiki Share page so that all students can rely on having someone to heal. If for any reason you should need to cancel, please do it online as soon as you can as we’ll need to look for another client for the students to practise on.

You’ll need to sign a paper that you acknowledge that the students are practising and that you accept the treatment free of charge from them, discharging them from any responsibility of after effects of the natural healing treatment.

The students offer their healing services free of charge for the experience they get.

We ask for a contribution to cover the costs of the facility for each treatment.

For Clients: £10 per treatment

For Students: £5 per Reiki Share day.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]