Hello Heloisa,
Hope you’re well. Am in Spain now, trying to settle back at home after our last talk.
The relationship with my family has never been so good, and am shocked to see that all was due to my own defensiveness and demons. I believed you but was skeptical and now I see that all the healing was really much needed to have the life I wanted for so long years.
I’ll stay in touch and always grateful for all the help you provided to take me out of depression and low self-esteem that took over decades of my life. Being really honest, when you said I could come out of it completely, I was so cynical that started the therapies with you just to prove you wrong and stay in my known misery.
Luckily for me, you did awaken in me enough trust and faith in you to start a series of healing sessions that probably included all the techniques you offer hehe.
Actually apart from hypnosis which I couldn’t think of doing. This feedback is to encourage anyone who embarks on a healing journey with you. I always felt at ease, accepted and never judged for all my limitations and addiction. Haha, can you remember the day you’ve discovered that the girlfriend that every other psychic had always said I had, was actually the bottle of beer? haha. Told my family, we burst out laughing.
Now I can laugh about it. Thanks to your caring and convincing or trustworthy words about Reiki, Infinity, EFT (?) I’ve healed my clinical depression for good and can’t believe I don’t drink at all anymore. Shame about the girlfriend though hehe.
Btw, after 57 years I’ve been talking for the very first time with a lady in my entire life and feel for the first time that I’m worthy of people’s love and enjoy time with her. I know now to embrace life and look forward to the time I’ll be confident enough to date her. Inshallah hehe.
Thank you Heloisa and may Allah continue to bless and reward you for all your good works. Dodu. xx”