Hi Heloisa, I hope you are well, and I wanted to thank you again for your reading and guidance, and also wanted to give you some feedback. You were right about me doing a different job within the same company. I found it really hard to believe at first because it seemed impossible that this would happen, but the cards were also right about this being a job where I would not use my current skills, so will be trained the coming months! I was offered a complete different role, and will be working in another department, and I am looking forward to it now. Thanks so much for all your help guiding me to be patient, stay there and not to give them notice, which I would have done, and would have lost this big chance. I feel really happy and relieved now and can look positively at my new job and a real new beginning in different ways. I must say it was really worth the trip to Leeds, my biggest thank to you, Heloisa, God bless you, Cath xx.