
Psychic Work ⋆ Complementary Medicine ⋆ Courses & Workshops

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LGBTQIA+ and Minorities Resources

Links Directory
Helpful Resource on LGBTQ and Trauma

As you may know, the LGBTQ community experience higher rates of mental health issues than their heterosexual peers due to trauma, fear of coming out, violence and hate crimes, lack of community, and inadequate mental health care. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, LGBTQ adults are twice as likely to experience mental health issues.

At No Matter What Recovery, we recognize that trauma within the LGBTQ community is a serious issue and needs to be more recognized.

We’ve created a resource page to educate families, schools, and communities on mental health issues they’re faced with and ways in which they can support them, which you can see via the above link.

Top 5 Struggles of the LGBTQ Community that Lead to Addiction

Here is a helpful guide that details the Top 5 Struggles of the LGBTQ Community That Lead to Addiction. LGBTQ members deal with bullying, rejection, and prejudice on a daily basis due to their sexual preference or gender identity, and this can lead to them turning to substances.

Support for LGBTQ+ AAPI People

Centric Behavioral Health – National. Members of the LGBTQ+ community have historically suffered from substance use disorders and mental health conditions that are often left untreated due to a large disparity in safe, effective healthcare options.

Substance Use Resources for Students from Historically Marginalized Groups

SUPE: Substance Use Prevention Education – National Non-Profit based out of Georgia. ​Our resource, Substance Use Resources for Students from Historically Marginalized Groups, contains information to help the following communities:

Black Students, Asian students, Latinx students, Native American students, LGBTQ+ students.

This resource offers advice on what can be done to better oneself and also gives insights into steps that can be taken to make the future of mental health care more inclusive.