Psychic Work ⋆ Complementary Medicine ⋆ Courses & Workshops

Thank You For Visiting and
Welcome to Heloisa Stephan

Heloisa’s Professional Work

Dip. Clinical Hypno-Psychotherapist DCHP (ISCH reg GHSC)

Useful information About Heloisa’s Psychic & Holistic Services


  1. Come at any time you need guidance or healing for any area of your life.
  2. When you want thorough investigation and clarification about any issue in your life, also via a Reiki healing session.
  3. When you have an important, informed decision to make and need to be clear and/or healed to be able to do it.
  4. When you want to clarify all the different options and discover which one would be best for your current needs.
  5. When you need either a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly prediction of your life circumstances.
  6. When you want to know whether or not a past-life is influencing your present life in a negative way and heal it, if so.
  7. Check out Heloisa’s fees on the top menu under “Fees” as Heloisa gives you a discount for advanced payment online when booking and managing your video appointment yourself.
  8. And so much more…


  1. When you want a thorough investigation and clarification about any issue be it about a current or potential job.
  2. When you want to know what will be asked from you during an interview.
  3. When you want to know what the Interviewer or your boss think of your performance.
  4. When you want to know whether you’ll be offered a certain job, or the job of your life, and whether you’re apt to get it with no interference of any self-sabotage.
  5. Also when exactly you’ll be offered a certain job, whether in months or weeks to come,
  6. When you want to know how a business or investment will progress.
  7. When you want to know how to deal with different business or staff issues.
  8. When you want to do a life progression to see the development of an important investment.
  9. When you need guidance as how to proceed or what is the best course of action.
  10. And so much more…


  1. If it is or will be long lasting.
  2. Or why your relationship is not progressing.
  3. Why your loved one is holding back.
  4. If your loved one is ready for a stable relationship or commitment.
  5. If it is worthwhile fighting for your relationship.
  6. Your loved one’s feelings, thoughts or intentions about you.
  7. All about your loved one to understand him/her better.
  8. If you want to free yourself from a recurrent unwanted pattern.
  9. Or what prevents you from having a loving, caring, and enduring relationship.
  10. When you want to free yourself from fears that make you push people away.
  11. When you want to know whether a conflict in your relationship will be overcome.
  12. Or whether you’re strong enough to have a new beginning in life.
  13. If you will attract the right person into your life and when.
  14. And more…


Heloisa uses her mediumnistic skills to channel messages from her Reiki divine guides exclusively for healing purposes only. She does NOT offer evidential readings to contact human spirits from parted loved ones. She gives messages only, and does not provide a full session with the departed one.

You can perfectly well and safely contact a loved one yourself during a hypnosis session with Heloisa.

Heloisa can bring you under hypnosis to another realm where you can see and contact your loved one yourself. It’s very rewarding and healing and many clients appreciate the possibility to “communicate” with the loved ones themselves instead of getting messages through a third person.

Especially when there has been tension or any other difficult situation leading to sadness, guilt or not being able to say good-bye. It’s so uplifting to “feel” the loved one and his/her emotions about it. Also, after such a session there’s always a healing therapy taking place so that you’ll feel light and healed especially when you’re still going through the mourning process.

Heal your longing, worries or any unresolved feelings, put your mind to rest and allow yourself a New Beginning in life with joy and peace.

Useful information About Heloisa’s Psychic & Holistic Services



  • Clinical Issues
  • Spiritual Regressions and Progression
  • Past-Lives Regression and Life Between Lives (Jouney to the Afterlife)
  • Treatments
  • Workshops

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques – Meridian Lines)

  • Tapping Therapy
  • Treatments / Distance Healing
  • Workshops

Reiki Energy Healing (Master Teacher)

  • Treatments / Distance Healing
  • Courses: I, II, III and IV Levels (Teacher Level) and Workshops

FTT (Fast-Track Techniques – Magnet Healing)

  • Treatments / Distance Healing
  • Courses / Workshops

Crystal Healing

  • Treatments
  • Courses / Workshop

Events and House Pampering Services

Includes all therapies and massages too.


Aura Seeing & Colours Meanings

  • How to see people’s and objects’ aura
  • Learn about the colours

Pendulum Diagnosis

  • How to confirm accurate specific messages and time scales about illnesses and other issues.


  • How to read and sense objects, photographs, etc.

DPA (Development

of Psychic Awareness)

  • How to develop all your psychic senses, your intuition.

Guided Healing Meditation

  • Including NLP, EFT, Reiki, Infinity, Crystals and Magnets.

Four-Week Mindfulness

Meditation Courses

Manifesting your Dreams

Have a look at the Therapy Pages for more details or just email Heloisa! “I am happy to discuss the properties and advantages of the natural therapies I offer.” Having only your well-being in mind, you are free to opt for any complementary therapist of your choice.