Psychic Work ⋆ Complementary Medicine ⋆ Courses & Workshops

Reiki Energy And Intuitive Healing Courses

Reiki Energy and Intuitive Healing Courses

Reiki is pure white, universal light energy which flows from the hands of a Reiki practitioner. It has many health benefits on all of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. It is known to release harmful blockages in the chakras, creating less stress and more well-being.

Although many miraculous cases of the disappearance of diseases have occurred with Reiki, it is most highly recognized as a complementary medicine and excellent for reducing side effects of medical treatment.

Reiki is an energy healing art and holistic medical practice that has also been recognised by the UN Health as a complementary medicine.

In Australia, it is presently a treatment covered by health benefits of over 30 insurance companies.

In other countries in Europe this procedure has also started and many health insurances in Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, etc have taken Reiki treatments into their policies.

In South America, Reiki is part of many health insurances.

It is now used at many hospitals in Portugal, also in England in hospitals, and free of charge for cancer patients.

Also in hospice centres for reducing side effects of chemotherapy and medical treatments.

Reiki is a proven technique.

Doctors in Taiwan have proven the effectiveness of Reiki using an instrument that measures energy called the 3-D MRA. They have shown that every organ in the body receives a 15% detoxification from a one-hour Reiki treatment, which is the optimum percentage – any more detox than 15% would be too drastic.

Reiki is a technique for activating and restoring the life-force energy within and around the body. Reiki is a consistent method for relieving and reducing stress, tension, and hypertension. It releases the congested energy produced in day to day activities in a pleasant, gentle manner, preventing the deepening of tension in the body and mind. Tension and hypertension are associated with disease, illness, and crisis.

Reiki is not only the transmission of energy, but also the transference of knowledge. The transmission is done by means of invocation, or intention, but the transference is made by the Master’s own knowledge of the Divine and Universal Law and by their ability to be deeply connected to the Reiki within them when the initiation takes place. The better and more energy the Master Teacher has, the better energy and connection the student will get too.

The attunement process

Another reason is the energy that the Master teacher has access to, as it depends on what level of energy he/she was given by their teachers, how many people were treated and what illnesses were treated too as the guides add themselves to the practitioner according to their needs. So, practitioners increase their energy levels and ability to heal different illnesses by getting different guides for the different illnesses they treat. For the initiation process of a student into the Usui Mikao Reiki Healing technique, preparation of the Master is as essential as is the student’s. The technique for transmission of energy involves the Usui symbols to call forth and activate the various levels of consciousness to which they pertain. Symbols are keys to unlock energy of a particular vibration that is utilized in a specific way, enabling the Reiki supply to be accessed or channelled. Having said that, the attunements and the Reiki energies have evolved a lot since Mikao’s time. Since some years now, many Reiki Teachers have evolved to offering attunements by intention too, without the symbols or both, so that the students can get into the Reiki Associations or Insurances that still require those procedures. This is what I personally do.

It has been proven that performing Reiki on yourself strengthens the immune system

Reiki energy is available for the rest of your life once you are attuned correctly to access the Reiki energy by a fully qualified Reiki Master Teacher. I personally, travelled to Thailand to pursue the best complete Reiki Training available including the guarantee of highest energy levels after the powerful attunements given. I must say I had many treatments with many different therapists at the time and never had felt this level of energy before. These attunements expand your chakras and your auras so that all your senses are significantly physically expanded and heightened.

Why You Should Choose Your Reiki Teacher Well

    1. The attunements of a teacher reflect his/her own development in energy levels after having performed the highest number of treatments possible on different clients with different ailments.
    2. Also the Reiki Master Teacher should make a comprehensive reference manual that includes their own perceptions and healing experiences with their clients available to all.
    3. The Teacher should preferably offer a facility for their students to practise on people in need.
    4. The Teacher should also be happy to share all knowledge without restrictions as there’s space and need for all healers in our world.

Many Reiki schools disregard the need of practising on at least ten clients after the Reiki level I and evolving spiritually and energetically about two months to be able to receive, assimilate, or aggregate and accommodate the high energies of the level II.

They actually teach Reiki Level I and II, and some of them even Reiki III in just one weekend and many teachers offer even “distance attunements” over the Internet for all levels at once.

While distant attunements can be given, the chakras that have not yet expanded their energies and size through healing of many different people, will not be able to augment much the energy captured and stored the same way someone will when they have practised a lot on others and increased the amount of energy they can handle and store, and expanded their chakras a lot more.

Between Reiki II and III there should be a hands-on practice on at least 30 clients and an evolvement time of six months so that your attuned chakras can embrace and accommodate the strong Reiki Level III attunements. To become a master of the Reiki energy and have optimal self-growth, a prerequisite to be a Reiki Healer with integrity, investing time and training is a paramount. It’s a gratifying and very rewarding spiritual journey, one of the most valuable and rich experiences one can have in life. The whole experience – the high energy level attunements are so invaluable that I make this opportunity available to anyone who is interested in personally developing spiritually, or also for career purposes at a later stage. Whether for personal or professional purposes, this is the dream state of mind that anyone would like to get quickly into and doesn’t always find the right path. From personal experience, I can say that you will significantly grow in the shortest time possible. The possibilities are endless and you can expect a really promising career as well as it fills you with an incredible self-confidence that is worth any time and each penny invested.