Why Choose Heloisa as Your Reiki Teacher
This course is designed to empower and stimulate you to take
charge of your life.
See here why you should take Heloisa as your Reiki Teacher!
You’ll activate your chakras and expand them to the new energies and be highly sensitive and receptive to different kinds of energy frequencies and available information.
Experience the extraordinary Reiki Energy to sense LIFE in a completely new way!

Among Many Benefits, all Heloisa's Reiki Energy Healing Students Will Learn To Appreciate
1. The Level of Energy That They Will Be Attuned To.
2. Heloisa’s Commitment To Share All Her Knowledge From Many Years Of Practice And Experience In Quickly and Effectively Communicating With The Reiki Guides.
3. And Last, But Not Least, Her Comprehensive Teaching Manuals.

Please read the full manual before commencement of any one course
The personalized healing training program of Heloisa’s three-level energy course (four, if you want to teach it too), contains all the information you need in the extensive reference manuals and personally during the courses to learn effectively and long lastingly.
These are some of the things that you’ll certainly learn with Heloisa in the duration
of your courses, time, workshops, and Reiki Shares with her.
- How to heal yourself, plants, animals, family, relatives, friends, and clients physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
- Remove energetic blockages. Improve absorption of energy of the immune system and heal many health issues related to it.
- How to permanently eliminate bad habits or patterns and negative thought patterns that influence your life – without adverse side effects or the use of drugs – for yourself and others.
- Also, you’ll be energetically stimulated, your chakras or energy centres activated and expanded to receive and store more energy from the universe so you can heal yourself at will and others too.
- You’ll also know how to activate your energy centres yourself to be more receptive and receive reliable and accurate information from your guides, especially messages about yourself and clients.
- How to de-program your negative thought patterns and emotions, replacing them with positive ones within a holographic image (visualisation, feelings and everything else that your system might be experiencing at any given point) – and that, very quickly!
- Which organs in the body you should NOT energize directly – and how to treat and heal imbalances in them safely.
- How to become sensitized to energy fields, to have them activated and learn to feel or even see them, their shape, size and outline.
- Why it is better not to offer healing in some cases and in certain conditions and specific times.
- How to use energy healing on pets and other animals.
- The best way to remove blockages or barriers to healing.
- The right steps and progression that should occur during a Reiki healing session – and why the wrong steps or timescale can sometimes cause more harm than good.
- When clients unconsciously do not want to get well – and what you can do about it.
- How to physically manifest your thoughts and intentions into reality and create the life you desire for yourself and as a family.
- Why laughter truly is the greatest virtue for your health and wellbeing!
- How to dispose of the negative or diseased energies and imbalances that you remove from clients – and how to keep them from being re-absorbed by the client or even re-created!
- How to heal most minor, moderate ongoing problems – and what to do with clients who have severe health problems or terminal illnesses.
- When and how it is appropriate to refer the client out to a doctor or other health care professional.
- How to improve both your relationships and your financial outlook or situation and start manifesting your dream life that will fulfil you more.
- The type of client you should NOT heal.
- The four types of imbalances you will encounter, and the best ways to treat them.
- What and how to tell your clients about their issues.
- Which chakras and parts of your body are related to, and responsible for repelling germs, negative energy, allergies, etc and how to revitalise and strengthen them.
- Which organs are related to what emotions, so you can understand your own and your clients’ health issues and conditions better, and give them appropriate advice.
- How energy can diminish in your physical body and how to repair weak
spots and holes in yours, and your clients’ auric fields. How to perform distance healing, and how distance or proximity affects healing. - The best practice on how to communicate your findings to your clients and how they’ll learn to respect and appreciate your work also via the distance and have their recurrent custom.
- How to know when, and how often to heal based on the type and severity of the illness.
- How to re-integrate your client’s energy and wellbeing after the healing session so that your work is assimilated, sealed appropriately, and cleansed from all matter that come out of their system.
- How to prevent illness before it starts and make sure you have the right outlook to life both at work and at home to keep those problems from occurring.
- What should you do, and why the therapist’s preparations should take place before starting to work on a client.
- Why it is important your client knows about, and sees that you do some of them.
- How to know whether energy healing is a religious practice and what to tell and show your clients.
- How to ask for Divine assistance when healing, and when to use Divine guidance, regardless of your own personal belief system.
- How not to get drained when healing, and becoming stimulated and energized.
- How to detect if you and/or your client have an umbilical cord to a past-life that needs to be addressed and if and when it can be removed.
- How to detect past-life issues like inexplicable infertility, physical pain, recurrent emotional upheavals, etc and how to make a report to your client.
- How to heal past-life issues in one session.
- How to change and heal genetic physical and mental problems, and how to perform an epigenetic healing with accuracy.
- How to assess your client’s energy fields and issues within the mind, body, and spirit, and decipher how imbalances can be detected and interpreted by your senses.
- How to prepare yourself and go into the theta state of mind to ask for, receive and embrace Divine guidance, messages and knowledge and to keep yourself open to all that will come in.
- How to ensure you understand those messages and can pass them on with confidence.
- Last, but not least, I also offer monthly (and if needed, more regularly) Reiki Share and Practice with existent clients in need of energy healing.

This will be only the beginning of your life personal, professional and spiritual journey that will have a significant shift of perception experience and approach to life that will benefit you and your clients immensely.
Other interesting and helpful Courses I offer
- How to detect, communicate, and transcend souls and/or and remove other maleficent entities, also from the underworld, from people’s auric fields or/and bodies.
- How to know when you can remove vortexes from places or houses and how to do it.
- If you don’t feel too confident about the accuracy of your communication with, and understanding of, your guides, you can also do a Pendulum Diagnosis Course. Please ask for information for any of the courses and workshops below.
Fundamentally, it is always good to remember Mathew 7:7-8:
- For every one that asketh receiveth;
- and he that seeketh findeth;
- and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Other Courses Available
- Reiki I, II, and III and IV (Reiki Teacher Level).
- Seeing and understanding Auras and their colours.
- Crystal healing with different shapes of crystals after a Crystal Healing Course; the use of pyramids, terminators one and two-pointed.
- Sensing, seeing, communicating with, and Transcending Entities and Transmutation course. Also from the distance.
- Sensing, seeing. and removing entities from the underworld, evil eyes, black magic, impregnations of negative forces on people, houses and objects. Blessing and protecting houses. Also from the distance.
- Path of more self-healing, self-growth, and enlightenment with Reiki III.
- Four Weeks Guided Mindfulness Meditation.
- Seven Weeks Chakras Meditation and visualisation with Hypnosis
- Pendulum Diagnosis / Dowsing.
- Psychometry – How to Read People, Animate and Inanimate Objects
- Development of Psychic Awareness
- Infinity Unconscious Affirmation, Healing and Re-programming.
- Card Reading Course with Attunements.
- And many more…. Ask for details.

Some Workshops Available for More Complex Treatments with Reiki
- Past lives in case of fertility problems, pain and other issues.
- Inner Child issues.
- Soul Retrieval issues.
- DNA decoding and healing. Chromosomes healing, Epigenetics.
- Relationship Healing, Couples’ Healing with one of the people absent.
- Sensing entities, conversing with them afterwards transcending them.
- How to remove and protect yourself and your client from psychic attacks or black magic and any negative energies.
- And many more… Ask for details.

Some Healing Workshops Available
- Inner Child Healing with Hypnosis.
- Combined Inner Child Therapy (Reiki Attunements, Hypnosis and Guided Healing Therapy)
- Healing and Opening Up to Love and Abundance with Chakra Activations and Seven Healing Techniques.
- Includes guided Inner Child Healing, Infinity Healing and Visualisation.
- Group Workshop with EFT for Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem.
- Group Workshop with EFT for breaking relationship patterns.
- Includes Inner Child Therapy, and fears.
- Group Workshop with EFT for inner child and cravings.
- Group Workshop with EFT for fears.
- Group Workshop with EFT for obsessive love and inability to let go.
- Includes Inner Child Therapy, and fears.
- Group Infinity Subconscious Healing and Re-programming.
- Group Past-Lives Regression. We choose a life that is influencing this life in a negative way and heal it.
- Group Life Between Lives Regression. You go through the womb and a past life to the eternal home where you can meet your eternal family, your eternal guide, and the panel of Elders to ask about your current life, life purpose, etc.
- Group Future Life Progression. You go to a pre-defined time like five years from now or so.