Life Between Lives Regression
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a FAQ?
FAQ is an acronym that stands for “Frequently Asked Questions.”
What is Life Between Lives regression?
It is a spiritual life regression, a hypnosis process, a stand-alone therapy. It is the most spiritual regression of all, the regression of the soul into the afterlife, or life between lives, and the eternal home.
What kind of information can we get?
As we accept that each life accounts for many emotional experiences and lessons, we also accept that there are always some issues that remain unresolved.
Aware that unresolved issues and trapped emotions rule our lives until we resolve them, or learn their lessons by attracting people and situations that lead us to it, we go through all that was important and all issues encountered are addressed and healed with the adequate hypnosis and therapeutic tools.
Do all hypnotherapists offer this service?
No, not all hypnotherapists believe in, or are certified in spiritual regressions. The procedure of the hypnotic deepening process to regress clients to Past-Lives and the AfterLife requires an appropriate, skilful training and qualification, as well as practice in trance states to explore, investigate and heal clients at a soul level.
What is the purpose of this Regression?
It is designed to reconnect you with your essence, or soul self, your eternal guides, your eternal family, the panel of elders who orchestrated and organised with you personally and your input, the opportunity for you to come and learn a chosen useful lesson for your soul evolvement.
What was it created for?
It was created to explore and understand your immortal soul identity, your soul’s spiritual evolvement, your current life lesson or mission, at which stage you’re now in, and if possible, a glimpse into your future.
What happens in this process exactly?
Clients are gently guided to ask for the help and support of your eternal guide for the whole duration of the regression, so you never feel tense or scared.
Then, they move gently back to early memories through the earliest childhood, birth, the womb (unless the client doesn’t want to go through the womb, in which case we use other methods.
Then, you meet and communicate with your eternal guide, who accompanies you throughout this regression, and relive experiences from past lives, explore life in the Afterlife, the spiritual realm that we call Heaven, Soul Home, or Eternal Home.
During hypnosis, the subconscious mind stands at a gateway to the super conscious, life memories and all the history of a soul as well as its potential of interaction with the spiritual realm.
Then, they move gently back to early memories through the earliest childhood, birth, the womb (unless the client doesn’t want to go through the womb, in which case we use other methods.
Then, you meet and communicate with your eternal guide, who accompanies you throughout this regression, and relive experiences from past lives, explore life in the Afterlife, the spiritual realm that we call Heaven, Soul Home, or Eternal Home.
During hypnosis, the subconscious mind stands at a gateway to the super conscious, life memories and all the history of a soul as well as its potential of interaction with the spiritual realm.
What is it that the LBL regression offer a great opportunity to explore and understand?
We get a clear view and understanding of the agreements or contracts we’ve made with our family and others to assist us in our aim to learn the one life lesson.
• We understand that all we do here should be very much enjoyed too and not just seen as a serious task to be done that doesn’t leave you with any joy for life.
• We view, feel and understand previous relationships made with other souls in previous individual existences.
• Depending on the past-lives, we can uncover the roots of habitual behaviours that makes us hold back and not progress in life. We heal traumas and physical pain from other existences.
• It gives you a comprehensive view of the AfterLife, and invaluable information about the evolution of a soul in the spiritual sense, and all the information is received and perceived via all your senses.
What lies behind this work?
- Through the life work of Dr Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon, we have learnt about the afterlife that:
We agree with a divine panel of elders details of the life we choose to come to, and most importantly, its mission. - So, we know, and actually choose ourselves many of the details and circumstances we will be born into and having to deal with e.g.
After each lifetime, we analyse how we have performed in terms of the lessons we had taken on for that one specific lifetime. - After close, comprehensive, and long evaluation, we proceed to consider a new lifetime to pursue the further learning of that one or other lessons that might be then more important.
So, if we make agreements with members of our soul group to support us in our quest here, who do we actually choose?
For that purpose, with the support of the elders, we choose the body that will serve us here, our parents, family members, our partners, the place, country friends to help or support us to prepare for that lesson, as well as to remind us of our life path, etc.
In what kind of aspect can we get information?
We get a very clear, deeply heartfelt information on important subjects such as early childhood, your birth, your eternal guide, past lives and lessons learnt, the death process, reception of your soul in the eternal home, your spiritual advancement in the eternal home, being your own Judge, your eternal family group, the process of selection of a new life, parents, siblings, soulmates and love matters, as well as the purpose of your current life and at which stage you’re at right now. You also get some time at the end to ask some more personal questions.
Is there anything else we can take from such a regression?
You experience and learn that evolution is a journey, a process, and that you evolve best by deeply experiencing this process and having joy whilst doing it.
A deep sense of bliss, and of the eternity or immortality of the soul remains within you afterwards as well as an understanding and more acceptance of our physical death.
Can we repeat this regression?
Yes, as it is helpful to elucidate many other questions and lifetimes you may have had that influence this current life.
Why would we want to do it? What is the actual purpose of this regression and what makes it the most spiritual of all?
We do it to learn more about our Selves, our past-lives, what was important then, and also, the purpose of our current lives as well as in what stage we find ourselves in.
We also get information about our lesson chosen for this life and how to achieve it, in case we don’t know it.
It is the most spiritual of all regressions, including past-lives regression due to the fact that we get many insights about life in heaven, how we make the choices for this life. and, most importantly, we get to see, and/or feel the loving environment and the elders with their forgiving, caring and loving souls too.
What happens emotionally during this regression?
In this deeply personal and comprehensive work of inter-life exploration, you remember and re-experience the purest kind of unconditional love, understanding and true compassion and a great sense of reconnection and belonging as you re-visit your eternal family.
There you get the perception of your soul’s true home and eternal life too, where harmony is the natural state of being for all.
How does it work technically speaking?
Our unconscious is not restricted by time or space and can transport us in seconds to any other time that we want to heal in a very safe way.
With help of hypnotic tools, I facilitate the depth of hypnosis needed. We use the first hour to deepen the state of trance whilst we already experience one or more past-lives that influence this life. This gives you a deeply personal insight about your soul’s plan for this current lifetime.
First, I help you to get to a profound physical relaxation that helps us to bypass the conscious mind and to get to the state of somnambulism. This is the most profound state of relaxation possible, whilst still responding to my instructions.
The awareness is completely altered and the unconscious level of the mind can be accessed. It is only in this state of mind that you can access, or have a telepathic communication with, your eternal guide and the panel of elders, or the telepathic information from the divine.
Do I sleep through this regression when I am hypnotized?
No, your body will is in a state that very much resembles sleep, profoundly relaxed, all organs work in a much more relaxed manner, and your mind feels quite drowsy and in time, blank, but your unconscious is always alert.