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Reiki and Religious Freedom

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual healing technique. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”.

Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is not based on belief or suggestion and the recipient does not need to believe in it for it to work or be effective.

It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy and it flows through all living things.

It seems that the idea of Reiki guides is not actually part of the original Reiki teaching and was added later by Western practitioners. Therefore, one doesn’t have to make contact with a guide to use Reiki as Reiki energy comes automatically by intent of the practitioner.

However, Jesus, Mary and other Biblical figures received help, or messages from spiritual beings in the form of angels that can help heal and also provide guidance.

Interestingly, the entire book of Revelations was given to John by an angel – indicating that that angels can act as spiritual guides.

Reiki’s universal energy therapy can be offered and benefit anyone regardless of the person’s religion, gender, race, intelligence, or financial status.

Reiki may be experienced as a flow of energy, heat, coolness, “pins and needles” mild tingling, vibrational buzzing, electrical sparks, coughing, increased breathing, numbness, throbbing, itchiness, or drowsiness, other sensations, or nothing at all depending on the client.

Reiki is deeply relaxing and has a profoundly calming effect. After the therapy it is a good idea to rest for a while and drink plenty of water over the next few days. Be responsive to all your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. The beneficial effects may be experienced for several days.

A Reiki attunement is a ritual performed to open and expand the energy channels of the students to enable them to cleanse and heal their chakras, and to channel and store the Reiki Energy whenever they require.

Reiki attunements are performed by a Reiki Master Teacher. The Reiki Master channels and passes Reiki frequencies, energy into the initiate’s or student’s aura or spiritual body, so they can directly benefit from Reiki themselves and permanently channel the Reiki energy just by means of intention.

The Reiki Master locks these frequencies into the student’s aura by means of using the Reiki symbols. For all this to work the initiate or student does not need to be physically in the presence of the Reiki Master Teacher. Since the teacher is only facilitating the attunements, the “work” can be done anywhere and at any time just as the Distance Reiki Treatments too. We leave the “work” to the Divine, as it were :).

The ritual involves energetic placement of Reiki symbols through a specific set of sequenced actions into the student’s aura. The attunement is a life gift for the practitioner and can be assessed always, also if the person has forgotten all about Reiki and how it works.

While everyone has some healing ability, those who receive a Reiki attunement have significantly stronger healing energies being channelled by their chakras and coming from their hands, eyes and mouth and are able to help others in a more effective way with their Reiki treatments.

The student is given Empowerments, a sort of short ‘turbo boost’ to empower and speed up the student’s personal path in spiritual development in Reiki. It increases the sensitivity to the natural flow of energy, strengthens the natural flow, and it also makes the student more intuitive, sensitive and receptive. Below are two Kilian images as example of the tips of fingers from a student before and after an attunement.

Tan tien has a Chinese origin and is a power centre located below the naval. The tan tien is used in martial arts for mental focus and to draw personal power from.

Yes, it can perfectly well be sent anywhere in the world. It is channelled from the Universal Source of Energy and we, the practictioners, are used to pass that very specific energy frequency, or different ones, acccording to all your different organs and chakras frequencies, on to you, the client, whereever you are. We usuallly need to know just the full name and the place or city you live, or are at that one point in time.

Yes, Reiki is a natural energy healing therapy that can help you heal anything from within, via your dreamworld.

Reiki comes in the exact frequency needed by any individual for any number of issues, ailments or diseases this client may have mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually speaking.

Combined with activation codes that a Reiki Master Teacher can put on the clients chakras – following careful advice from their guides – this client has access to so much more powerful energy than just during a regular Reiki treatment, and does not need as many recurrent sessions to heal as the source of the issues that caused the manifestation of the illness, will be resolved.

The only physical, emotional or mental side effect that this treatment has, not really negative, is that these chakras grow substantially in size with the activation process and can never be reverted back to the original size. You might be wondering what it would influence?

Well, you would be so much more and better connected to your inner child, you would have a much healthier relationship with your inner Self and therefore, all the self-sabotage act done by your scared inner child for years, will completely subside. This, of course depends on what issues you have to heal depending on how many times you dwards, according to how many times you did this healingo the therapy.

Also, you would be much more receptive and perceptive of nuances in change in people, situations, etc and will have always a sense of “knowing” which path to take at all times afterwards according to how many sessions you had.

This, of course, depends on the issues you have unresolved, and how many times you do the therapy. As a broad information; let’s say that any individual with “normal” life circumstances has usually unresolved issues from their infancy, and also later as adolescent and as an adult too as those issues from the childhood are then exacerbated throughout their lives and they need at least three sessions to be certain that the issues have been resolved.

It is clear though, that a serios mental or emotional problem like a suppressed trauma and other major issues would need moe sessions. In case of cancer, or any other severe health problems would need ongoing continuous treatments so that it can help the c;ient work subconsciously on their emotional level to be able to heal the source of the problem.

Did you know that in many differnt countries there is always a holistic departmetn taht offers Reiki sessiosn free of charge to all cancer patients? So, England, Germany, Portugal, Brazil and many other countries have this facility to help clients cope better with the pressure of being ill, with the physical pain too and also to help them feel more resilient and stabel and to detoxify quicker from chemotherapy, etc.

Reiki sessions usually involve the client lying down as the practitioner slowly and gently, places his or her hands on the energy centres of the body.

Through Reiki attunements by a qualified Master the practitioner is enabled to channel “ki” life force energy, which replenishes and re–balance areas in the body of the client that are depleted.

Reiki is also called “Smart Energy” due to the fact that it replenishes with different energy intensity exactly the needed quantity of energy in the different areas of the body. This universal energy is administered regardless of the practitioner’s competency or belief system.

During treatments the practitioner’s own energy blockages are also cleared whilst administering Reiki so that the benefits are mutual.

Reiki flows through the hand palms of the practitioner by intent at different rates of speed, depending on various factors such as the extent of the client’s illness, level of blockage, etc.

The universal energy Reiki is in infinite supply from the moment of the attunements permanently for life and can be channelled easily by intent.

It is a full healing program where the practitioner places his hands on all major chakras in order to non-intrusively, holistically heal the whole body, mind and spirit. The time for each chakra is determined by the client’s own needs and the practitioner only channels the energy to come in and senses when the flow stops to go to the next point.

A single Reiki session makes a difference; however, depending on the illness, a course of regular treatments may be more effective. These may be weekly, fortnightly or less often depending on the needs of the client, and a treatment plan will be discussed with the client, and reviewed as necessary.

Reiki practitioners are not trained or allowed to make or give any diagnosis. Reiki is a complementary medicine and does not replace conventional medicine. Always consult a GP for an acute or infectious condition, and problems of urgent concern, or to do the regular health checks.

Independently, each Reiki symbol has its own unique purposes. The combined function of these symbols is to provide Reiki practitioners with focal points for their healing intentions. One of them is to provide distant healing. Symbols are used in Reiki to connect with different, powerful kinds of Reiki energy.

No, Reiki is not a religion, and is not based on any religious doctrine or belief.

There’s a verdict from an American Court that you can download here to read. However, Reiki’s principles are spiritual in nature and do encourage spiritual development and growth.